Taye Bela Corby
Cofounder, Master student RelationshipVision™
Certified EFT Practitioner
Coach, Teacher, Guide,
Gene Keys Ambassador
Specializing in Relationship Self-care
About me
Taye Bela Corby
AAMET Certified EFT Practitioner
Licensed Art of Feminine Presence Teacher II
Gene Keys Ambassador, Guide & Host
What does it Mean to Represent Yourself Accurately?
Representing yourself accurately is an art born from deep self-knowing. It’s the quiet understanding of your inner world — the thoughts that stir in you, the feelings that rise to the surface, the needs that call out, and the desires that dance at the edge of your awareness, all present in any given moment.
To honor that awareness is to move in alignment with yourself. You begin to act from the center of what you truly need and want, preserving your inherent value over time. In this delicate balance, you care for yourself, nurturing the essence of who you are.
But when your gaze shifts outward, placing the weight of your choices on the needs of others, a quiet distance grows between you and your authentic self. If you find your focus tilting towards ‘other’ more than your true self, pause. Ask: “What am I thinking in this moment? What is it I am feeling? Given this, what do I want?”
By exploring these questions, by being present with your own attitudes, judgments, and awareness, you gently realign with your authenticity. In doing so, new possibilities unfold — opportunities that honor who you truly are.
To work with me is to stand firmly in the truth of yourself, choosing actions that reflect and preserve your value.
It took me decades to realize that many of the relationships I was in did not honor or nurture my growth. They lacked the emotional safety I needed, and without that foundation, I found myself stagnant, my value dimmed over time.
A shift began when I awakened to what I desired most: a deep, abiding connection. I recognized that this longing, this yearning for intimacy, was what I sought above all else. But before I could truly connect with others, I had to first form a relationship with my true Self.
To do so meant becoming intimately aware of my own needs, and understanding that I alone hold the responsibility to voice them, to nurture them, to meet them. Now, I practice stepping forward more fully, offering myself proactively and authentically to the world.
As I’ve learned to align more closely with my true desires, something profound has happened. I attract others who are also in alignment with themselves, and together, we create relationships that are dynamic, nourishing, and deeply fulfilling.
I am humbled by the delicate art of building and sustaining intimacy. It requires a lifelong practice of mindful presence — being open, honest, conscious, and deeply connected within. Only from this grounded place can I share my true Self and preserve my value, growing richer with time.